Music For All (MUFA)
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Art Groove Gallery at River Park
Estimated time frame is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Teachers may reserve 10 to 20 minutes of blocked time for their studio.
​This arrangement will accommodate five MTAC members and is a "first come first served" reservation. Teachers may arrange or coordinate any type of performance based on your studio’s needs. Teachers may perform as well.
Further details regarding logistics/parking will be provided after a teacher has registered.
To provide a performance opportunity for students and to create an enjoyable music experience for the general public. We bring music to people!
Music performed may be any genre from classical to popular favorites in a public casual setting.
A Yamaha Clavinova will be provided by Gottschalk Piano. Other instruments are welcome.
October is a great time to showcase students’ performances with Halloween costumes and themed music. Let’s make it fun!
To save your spots for your studio or to ask any questions, please contact Catherina Murni.
Deadline to reserve a spot is Saturday, September 14, 2024.